Thursday, September 3, 2020

How to Structure a Presentation on Online Education

Instructions to Structure a Presentation on Online Education Making an introduction on online training is an assignment that requires an inside and out comprehension of your topic, just as the crowd your introduction is focused on. To comprehend your topic, broad perusing and a capacity to utilize accessible measurements on e-figuring out how to make surmisings is significant. I likewise accept that a comprehension of how to utilize diagrams, infographics and outlines inside an introduction is an essential information expected to structure an introduction on online training because of the various information that makes up this topic. Except if, you are Steve Jobs discussing Apples new item, your introduction will make some restricted memories casing and it is significant you have a structure that keeps your crowd concentrated on your conversations on online training. So it is basic to structure the introduction to fit into a brief edge while contacting all your remarkable focuses and this is the means by which to accomplish this. Guide Out a Concise Introduction Your presentation should concentrate on online instruction, the significance of e-learning around why it ought to be talked about or considered as a feasible answer for the issues with conventional spots of training. The presentation stage ought not surpass over 5 minutes of your designated introduction time and it shouldnt take more than the initial two pages of your introduction if utilizing PowerPoint slide. Enhance the Presentation with Graphics When discussing on the web training and its effect, 30 minutes isnt sufficient opportunity to address all territories of your topic. Here, the utilization of infographics, outlines and will pass your message across in record time. This will likewise give you the additional time expected to speak increasingly about your situation on online instruction. The primary body of your introduction ought to be organized so that it brings up an issue or expresses a reality and the former areas should concentrate on responding to the inquiries raisedâ or contending cleverly on the significance of the introduced realities. The introduction time for the principle body shouldnt surpass 25 minutes so you don't lose your crowd. Ends Should Be Brief When you have cleverly responded to the inquiries raised, guarantee you finish up by expressing why the introduction was essential and explain or rehash your discoveries. The end shouldnt take more than 3 to 5 minutes and needs to contained in a solitary sheet. These are the means to consider while making an introduction on online training in other to introduce your realities in an organized way that will keep your crowd centered all through its length. In the event that you haven’t as of now, look at these 10 realities for introduction on online training, just as our 20 chose subtopics and an example article.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Victoria Secret free essay sample

Victorias Secret is the main claim to fame retailer of undergarments working in excess of 1,000 stores over the U. S. Victorias Secret has helped, maybe more than some other brand, stand out to the undergarments business. Their publicizing efforts, including the Victorias Secret Catalog and Victorias Secret Fashion Show are outwardly engaging and dubious. The consideration got by Victorias Secret for their forceful promoting efforts has produced extremely valuable verbal exchange and media bytes to additionally upgrade the Victorias Secret brand. Victorias Secret deals in 2003 were an announced $2,822 million across 1,009 stores. Selling square feet were 4,735,000, proportionate to a normal deals for every square foot of around $600, up nearly 3% from earlier year. By and large, same store deals were up nearly 4% from earlier year. A Brief History of Victorias Secret Victorias Secret was set up in San Francisco during the mid 1970s by Roy Raymond. The idea was to set up a comfortable, welcoming air like that of a Victorian boudoirs. We will compose a custom article test on Victoria Secret or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Roys Victorias Secret, comprising of three stores and a list business, was procured by Limited Brands, among some debate, in 1982. Numerous inaccurately accept that Victorias Secret was of British legacy. A picture which some state was propagated by its parent organization. Today, Victorias Secret unmentionables is the top entertainer for the aggregate. Victorias Secret, under Limited Brands, has a past filled with being hot, young and sentimental. People have come to perceive Victorias Secret as the spot to purchase an undergarments or fragrance blessing. Together, these three vehicles to advertise joined with Victorias Secret forceful showcasing has made Victoria Secret the most popular undergarments brand and carried more noteworthy consideration regarding the unmentionables business. Quite a bit of Victoria Secrets achievement is ascribed to Grace Nichols. Nichols joined Victorias Secret in 1986 as VP, general product director. In 1988 she was elevated to official VP. In 1991, Ms. Nichols was named President and CEO of Victorias Secret. Under Nichols authority, Victorias Secret has gotten one of the best 10 perceived brands on the planet and the main claim to fame retailer of unmentionables. Victorias Secrets wonderful achievement has brought a lot of income development and discussion. Victorias Secret Fashion Shows, Victoria Secret Catalogs and Victoria Secret models have gotten all the more noteworthy, progressively curvaceous and increasingly disputable. Victorias Secret reported a month ago that it is dropping its broadly broadcast style show this year, in any event mostly in view of analysis following Janet Jacksons bosom exposing violation of social norms at the Super Bowl. The broadcast design show has created analysis in the past from bunches whining about supermodels swaggering down the runway in meager clothing. Ongoing disarray encompasses the consideration of Bob Dylan in Victorias Secret advertisements. Situating Currently, Victoria Secrets is the no. 1 Lingerie brand far and wide. They driving, Luxury undergarments makes in USA. The brand is solid to the point that the deal isn't undermined notwithstanding the top notch cost. So as to continue keeping up the position, they need to keep up the quality and administrations of the item. Destinations To fortify and keeping up the notoriety of the brand situating in the people’s mind, particularly in Malaysia. Target Audience Gender Average buy sum Age Psychographic Profile Consumer Perceptions In USA, Victoria Secrets brand has a positive recognition with American Consumer. Media likewise assume a significant job in building the hot and sumptuous picture of Victoria Secrets. Notwithstanding, a few people are pissed of by the nature of the item, they said that the nature of the item does not merit the cost. Wanted Post-Campaign Reactions Malaysia individuals will have a superior comprehension about what Victoria Secrets is. Also, how this specific brand would lift their certainty and confidence. This would bring about expands deals rating and brand situating in Malaysia. We’re looking forward on the costumer’s positive evaluations and remarks about the brand, since words-ofmouth is one most grounded point in how Marketing Strategy functions. Resolute Proposition Luxurious lives back to front. One of a kind Selling Point It’s brilliant and lively, provocative and appealing brand. Additionally, they likewise produce brilliant and attractive unmentionables so individuals not humiliate them self when they accidently appear out their clothing. : 80% are lady $110 23 †40 years of age Shopaholic, Upscale, Fashionista. Supports Seamless and limitlessness underwear with Infinite Edgeâ„ ¢ innovation. IPEX innovation to give most extreme inclusion with least loads. Push-up bra and Panties with various structure varieties. Wanted Brand Personality or Tone of Voice Sexy, Playful, and Attractive inclination when the buyer wear the item has been continually being the key of fruitful battle of Victoria Secrets brand. Mandatories †¢ Victoria Secrets new Tagline Victoria Secrets Logo and Slogan Roadshow maps and Schedules Same typeface of Victoria Secrets Term and Conditions of another arrangement. Other Consideration, Issues, and Insights. Considering Malaysia is a Muslim nation where their way of life are blended in with other culture. There an exacting ethnic code that to be considered in introducing visuals of bareness in the open spots. Pictures that contain over-sexualized are considered exceptionally improper and could bring about prohibiting which could hurt the brand honesty. Along these lines, the new crusade ought to be configuration as per Malaysia Cultural rules. Financial plans Roadshow (Stage, Avenue, Performers, Models, Meals) Roadshow Materials ( Transport, Booths, Uniform, Etc) Advertising ( Print Ads, TVC, Radio, Etc) Total Estimated Timing Concept/First draft gave Concept Finalization Execution : April 21,2013 April 28, 2013 May 31 †June 2, 2013 : RM1. 500. 000,00 RM 40. 000,00 RM 600. 000,00 RM2. 140. 000,00

Friday, August 21, 2020

Capstone Project Essays

Capstone Project Essays Capstone Project Essay Capstone Project Essay Presentation The utilization of web administrations is expanding the bearing aggregate of Cu and fiber cabling. This outcomes in an ever expanding remaining task at hand that must be kept up or reconfigured ; following in difficulties to hierarchical productivity. One of the difficulties that emerges is the means by which does a chief keep up a perplexing workplace when expanded overall gains. less capital and working assets are restricted. One may propose turning an intricate web base requires activity effectiveness with a craving to pull off and secure abroad messages without disturbing the work stream for customers. In any case. given the difficulties affecting radio assistance providers ; keeping point of convergence and quality are just the basicss. The chief is constrained to the associations productivity and cost inconsistency when finding the best assault. These elements play a capacity which will most likely effect the base all in all. It is fascinating bounty to show out that towards the situation of a web chief ; an issue should remain sleeping and should neer go on when the best possible findings are set in topographic point. Be that as it may. since we live in a recalcitrant universe the opportunities for a situation is conceivable. Completing touch Proposal Summary As an intentional for a web security concentrate for Aon Corp ; the undermentioned investigation was intended to demonstrate out exposures inside the hierarchical web servers explicitly under the guarantee office area where class mates using workstations were sing obstructing issues refering to web insecurity. The examination was proposed to put on whether security conclusions were required with the goal that a redesign appeal might be conveyed. A workforce gathering was set in topographic point where we met the customer sing their requests. It is ever a decent pick to comprehend the cardinal requests of the customer before doing any adjustments to the web. In the wake of passing a few hours conceptualizing the client’s requests an answer has been reached. The endeavor scene has been spread out plainly. During my time period scrutinizing the customer I have picked up the vital foundation cognizance to comprehend my client’s dreams developing a solid basic association. Understanding this association has qualified me for name the web thusly. As a segment of the examination Aon Corp has a few requests preceding jumping into the endeavor. First it was obligatory to examine as far as possible framework requests of the customer machines. In the past idleness issues have determined mostly to out of day of the month equipment or gadget drivers rather than a security break. It is ever a shrewd pick to refresh these groups of stars while running the fitting working framework refreshes which may all loan factors. During the essential period of the examination the required data is assembled to build up an adequate web study which would calm asset limitation. Judicious A ; Systems Analysis It is ever a shrewd pick to examine comparative occasion surveies that may gracefully great data partner to comparable situations. I have done as such building my anxiety of these situations which has a given me some foundation to my customers concerns. A few easy to use applications have offered me help breaking down security cringle openings. They are the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer ( MBSA ) and Windows Server Update Services ( WSUS ) . With adjustment to the Microsoft site ; the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer is an easy to understand apparatus accentuated for professionals with a point of convergence on helping medium estimated concerns. The device centers around the security area of the web with adjustment to Microsoft suggestions providing rules and backing. The client may download Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer ( MBSA ) from Microsoft. com as it is a notable device for all IT professionals. When the device has been effectively introduced the leader can examine numerous terminal clients on the nearby web middle. Endless supply of the sweep the client is conveyed an examination foregrounding potential hazards alongside losing refreshes. A portion of these updates may incorporate losing application spots. tasks framework refreshes. what's more, prompted the client on whether a Windows firewall is running. MBSA can break down regulatory chronicles alongside watchword arrangements. See Figure A for outline. Figure A As building progresss. authoritative professionals need to set to the difficulties in front. Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer is an incredible apparatus to keep the solidarity of your web base. Scott Lowe ( 2004 ) . a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer. said the accompanying sing the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer: Supporting a gigantic figure of Microsoft applications. MBSA can work you in two different ways. First. it will help you keep up your servers shielded from employments ; second. with ground-breaking portraying capablenesss. it can help you truly larn why you have to make the things that are proposed so you can do an informed assurance with respect to in the case of something is a worthy risk in your condition. Undertaking Goals and Aims The equitable towards the accompanying endeavor was to begin a program to redesign Aon Corp web base alleviating inactivity gives better bettering the productivity and stream of informations over the web middle. A current temperamental web delayed concern developing limit doing it difficult for terminal clients to utilize assets solidly. Without the vital assets organization developing was at a tightening. Hindering down the finishes and focuses on the undermentioned endeavor was imperative in providing a change to the issue. they are as per the following: Client must have a present framework picture depiction - Survey of a workstation must be archived - Survey of a server must be recorded - Microsoft Baseline Security instrument must be run rescuing every workstation alongside the server A booked convention program must be given jointing inside informations to the customer on generally speaking open introduction and web stableness. Customer must be informed concerning a detailed schematic for preventive strides alongside upkeep Client must be given an instructional manual for pull offing refreshes identified with the working framework and antivirus bundle Client must be given an estimation on productiveness alongside return of contributing So as to demonstrate the expectations to the customer ; a strong cardinal misgiving of the customers requests must be created. Geting a foundation trepidation is basic so as to comprehend the worry strategy and what the customer needs to achieve out of their web base. Without understanding the huge picture the endeavor would definitely disregard. Pre-SurveyClientMeeting The end and point here was to start a gathering with the customer to talk the worry direction and the methodology dealingss to their workstations. The customers organization being a planning foundation ; certain bundle was required all together for the house to achieve their anxiety closes. The applications required insignificant framework eyeglasses so as to run quickly. During the starter phase of the gathering the worry hypothetical record and finishes were talked about. Operational hours were thought about as a set motivation was set up for executing the examination. As the gathering went to a terminal an examination schematic was brought to the client’s going to so as to figure return on contributing after endeavor fulfillment ( notice to Appendix 2 ) . The achievement of the gathering was met and the principal point was finished. Upon the finishing of the examination the customer was furnished with a possible program puting out within informations of the rising and preventive advances. Be that as it may. the full executing will be help outside the Capstone ; it will be the cardinal high spot to the accomplishment of the worry closes. System Security Survey As a prerequisite to the examination a few spreadsheets holding been incorporated for catching pictures of informations ( allude to Appendix 3 alongside Appendix 4 ) . The main papers entitles end client registering machines and second central focuses on servers. With respect to the MBSA checks for every workstation ; a thumb push was utilized to rescue the outcomes. Before get bringing down the investigation an update was brought to my going to from the customer that others might be dealing with these end-client machines as great. As a result of my inability to finish during the telephone meeting educating concerning the clasp motivation. I expected to arrive at the other leaders reding them of my essence. Luckily. as I showed up at the assigned endeavor site there were many processing machines to consider. I started to consider the end-client machines non being overviewed. Around 3 proceedingss passed for every workstation to consider ; running Microsoft Baseline Security ( MBSA ) took around 11 proceedingss. Lamentably. I have missed my finish of making the evaluated figure of processing machines being concentrates as talked about in the fundamental gathering. The investigation passed more clasp than I have anticipated. On the different manus it was lovely to cognize that the other leaders completed their piece of the endeavor simply in cut before I got to them. Studying the workstations went blending to plan. in any case. as I moved toward the servers a few employments stimulated. The rundown of watchwords the customer gave did non join the correct characters as I endeavored to sign into the circle bookkeeper. The owner has left the building and couldn't achieve my end with assessing the servers as arranged in this manner go forthing my web security study inadequate. The undermentioned twenty-four hours the owner has been

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Misconception Twins Can Read Each Others Minds And Feel Pain - 825 Words

Misconception: Twins Can Read Each Other's Minds And Feel Pain (Essay Sample) Content: Name Instructor Course Date PSYCHOLOGY Twins can read each other's minds and feel each other’s pain: Misconception. The intriguing part of the twin dynamics is coupled by the idea that identical twins can read each other's minds and feel each other’s pain. Researchers have tried to prove these ideas but discouragingly they have not found concrete solution. Twin telepathy has been defined as a fairytale in psychology. Stephen Hupp and Jeremy Jewell in their study Great Myths of Child Development points out that scientific study for extrasensory perception concerning twins have failed to provide sufficient evidence of the claimed phenomenon (Hupp and Jeremy 2). For example, in 1993, Susan Blackmore carried out an experiment to test telepathy among twins. In this experiment, Blackmore tested to see if twins could read each other’s minds and communicate information telepathically. The outcome from the experiment was rendered negative with no evidence of telepathy was detected (Hupp and Jeremy 32). For instance, twins can report that one twin experienced a physical sensation of something that was happening to their twin, such as stomachache, labor pains labor pain or on the other hand one twin can feel that something is wrong when their twin is in a problem. These ideas are totally misconceived while science struggles to give outstan ding observation on it. In my view telepathy is more of self-delusion or self-deception and cannot be considered as a paranormal power. According to most stories surrounding this phenomenon captures the fact that identical twins coexist together therefore there exist the tendency to do a lot of things together and thus high probability that they will sometimes think the same. The latest scientific finding from psychology, psychiatry, biology and education proves that there exist facts and fiction surrounding identical twin telepathy (Hupp and Jeremy 45). Misconceived ideas on twin telepathy relies only on monozygotic and dizygotic characteristics without sufficient evidence while in the scientific literature ideas are supported with verifiable facts and in this case identical twin telepathy is almost impossible .Scientific research result is baffling since persons having same genes and upbringing conditions experiences unrelated life . What could cause this? In my opinion there is chance that this could be as a result of modifications of our epigenome. Epigenetics is the process by which environmental variations alter our genes. This occurs as methyl gets attached to our DNA. Consequently, it inhibits the normal activity of a gene and prevents it from producing a specific protein version inside our bodies (Hupp and Jeremy 56). Epigenetic changes therefore cause variations on how identical twin feels towards each other. The tolerances variation to pain indicates that they have dissimilar methylation state. Similar results from a study for diseases such as cancer, diabetes and depression showed a switched gene composition between twins. This helps to know whether they can contract the disease and feel the pain simultaneously. The idea that one twin different from to another due to life events makes sense. Postpartum depression occurs only in women: Misconception. Postpartum Depression (PPD) is a subset of depressive symptoms that develops in women following birth of a child. The symptoms can develop throughout the year after birth of a child. It is vital to distinguish between these, as each may require very different treatment or none at all (Moses-Kolko and Erika 181). These mood disorders overlap in symptomology, but have unique, differentiating features. Constraints such as time and social tolerability involving screening make it hard to diagnose PPD. Nonetheless social stigma has contributed to the majority of undiagnosed cases labeled an unhappy mother, not to comment on PPD public image (Moses-Kolko and Erika 183). Upon formal screening have shown that many women recording in a ...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Afro American Music And Its Influences On America

Afro-American music has a rich history in the United States and is vital when considering American music in general. There is a disagreement among scholars whether Afro-American music and its distinctive styles have positively affected race relations in the United States. Its history is so large that there is no doubt that there were, and continue to be, both negative and positive effects among the population. It is important to examine the entirety of black music in the U.S. from its African roots and subsequent slave music, to blues, ragtime, jazz, RB, soul, and finally modern hip hop when examining its influences on society. It is no doubt the most significant and influential musical tradition for American music at large and had a large influence across the world. If one is to discuss the origins of Afro-American music and its influences on American music and society, the issue of slavery and slave culture must first be considered. First generation slaves arrived in America coming from a diverse set of African backgrounds. Many did not speak the same languages or have similar cultures. This fact, in addition to European cultures, resulted in a mix of the different African and European traditions that synthesized into a new identity. This process is formerly known as â€Å"creolization† (Starr and Waterman, 26). These creolized cultures varied widely and produced different musical styles. Religious styles, stringed instruments like the banjo, and field hollers differedShow MoreRelated Dominicans And Afro-americans Essay944 Words   |  4 Pages In America today, there is a large and diverse African-American population. Within this population, there are several ethnic groups. The other ethnic group similar to Afro-Americans is Dominicans. Not only are they both minorities, but they also look similar as well. Both Dominicans and Afro-Americans are originally from Africa, but their slave masters separated them into two different cultures. African-America ns was African slaves of Americans, and Dominicans were African slaves of the SpanishRead MoreResearch: How did Cuba and Brazil Affect Popular Music, Culture and Dance in the 1940’s and 50’s?1305 Words   |  6 PagesBrazil affect popular music, culture and dance in the 1940’s and 50’s? A. Plan For Investigation How did Cuba and Brazil affect popular music, culture and dance in the 1940’s and 50’s? In this investigation I am going to establish what affects Cuba and Brazil had on popular music and dance. The first thing I’m going to do is discover how the music from Cuba and Brazil spread to America, the center of music. While doing my research I will be looking at what types of music were popular in CubaRead MoreThe Musical Genre Of Afrobeat1525 Words   |  7 Pagesin the late 1960’s during the Civil Rights Movement in America. Fela Kuti a Nigerian, was able to create a genre that has change the way we view music today. Afrobeat is made up of two different words, â€Å"Afro† and â€Å"Beat†. â€Å"Afro† correlates with â€Å"African organized sound while beat is a rhythmic counting pattern in relation to such music† (Oikelome, 2013). Therefore, the meaning of Afrobeat is the unique African rhythmic patterns of such music. The coming of this genre is very interesting since theRead MoreGeorge Reid Andrews Afro Latin America1584 Words   |  7 PagesGEORGE REID ANDREWS: AFRO-LATIN AMERICA In this paper, I would arguer that the history of USA is intertwined with the issue of Blacks – their enslavement and freedom but it has not as yet been focused that this subject has far greater impact in Central and Latin America, thus the greater impact of blacks in Central and Latin America would be the main theme or argument of this paper. 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According to the â€Å"Understanding Jazz: What Is Jazz?† of John F. Kennedy center for the Performing Arts, Jazz was created mainly by Afro-Americans, and had elements of European and Afro-American culture. Also, it emphasizesRead MoreAmerica in the 1920s762 Words   |  4 PagesWhich were the more typical of 1920s of America: Prohibition and intolerance or the Jazz Age and increasing social freedom? The 1920’s were seen as a prosperous time for America, judging by the increasing economic strength, the development of new industries and new methods of production and, by the time of rebellion and liberation that came with it. The 1920’s are often reffered to as the ‘Roaring Twenties’ or the Jazz Age, a period of great fun and enjoyment. However, not everyone agreed withRead MoreCulture, Nation And Social Cohesions : A Scrutiny Of Revolutionary Cuba1655 Words   |  7 Pagessee where Cuba got some of its influences from and what they originally kept from those influential countries. Kronenberg then discusses about the entry of new cultures and the colonial cultural situation in Cuba. It continues to talk about all the different cultures and countries that influenced the Cuban culture. The article describes the contribution of Fernando Ortiz, a Cuban researcher and early advocate for Afro-Cuban culture. It discusses Ortiz’s view on Afro-Cuban culture and the historyRead MoreCuban National Culture : Cubas Original People1719 Words   |  7 Pagesits influences from and what they originally kept from those influential countries. The article â€Å"Culture, nation and social cohesion: a scrutiny of revolutionary Cuba† (2008), Kronenberg then discusses the entry of new cultures and the colonial cultural situation in Cuba. It counties to talk about all the different cultures and countries that influenced the Cuban culture. The article then goes on to talk about the contribution of Fernando Ortiz, a Cuban researcher and early advocate for Afro-CubanRead More Puerto Rican Music as Representation of Their History and Culture1423 Words   |  6 PagesPuerto Rican Music as Representation of Their History and Culture Puerto Rican music is an evolving art form that expresses Puerto Rican culture and identity. The development of Puerto Rican music is also a reflection of their history, both being complicated by several layers. Social, political, and economic conditions are all related to the musical expressions of Puerto Ricans (Glasser, 8). Puerto Rican migration to the United States and the culture clash experienced by migrants is another

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Corporate Social Responsibility in the Philippines

Journal Article on CSR in the Philippines: The leaders of some of the largest corporations in the Philippines at the time of massive demonstration in the early 1970 following the imposition of Marital Law and the adverse effect of oil shock that brought the Global Financial crisis pushed more Filipino families into poverty. Thus in year 2000 onwards, pushed by new challenges such as increasingly critical consumers of products and services who demand more from the companies that produce them. Companies are now being scrutinized as never before and they are made to measure up to standards of environmental sustainability, ethical behavior and governance structures. Questions arise on what else they can do to make poverty history given†¦show more content†¦We have to start the awareness from ourselves, from the home, backyard, local government unit in encouraging to steps in joining the fight to preserve the triple P’s bottom line of the small-scaled enterprise trends now, the preservation of our people, planet and profit. First we need to ask not what our country can do for us, but rather ask ourselves what we can do for our country. It is indeed a job well done for our new President Nonoy Aquino, in the â€Å"CITIZEN S ARREST† a group of individuals from Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) to apprehend and imposed penalties and/or imposed corresponding community service for caught of throwing candy wrappers, cigarettes butts or those spitting on streets. Even public utility drivers who failed to follow non-smoking signs and install trash bins inside their vehicles should receive citation tickets. Penalties imposed ranged from P500 to P1,000. The violators have 3 days to settle their fines. If they fail to do so, the MMDA will summon them and have their record submitted to the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI). Litterbugs who do not pay their fines will be unable to get an NBI clearance, according to the MMDA. Those who cannot pay can be asked to render community service, accor ding to MMDA health program chief officer Betty Gendeve. Another worth mentioning is the Marikina local government CCTV cameras installed in Marikina which isShow MoreRelatedUnilab Case Analysis1646 Words   |  7 PagesApril 10, 2010 – CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF UNITED LABORATORIES, INC. (UNILAB) OBJECTIVES: Their primary goal is to develop, manufacture and market a wide range of prescription and consumer health products covering all major therapeutic categories. Many of these products are now leading brands in the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Myanmar. Unilab operates strategically located manufacturing facilities throughout Southeast Asia, linkedRead MoreIs Corporate Social Responsibility a Myth?620 Words   |  3 Pages(2014, May 14) earlier paper focuses on the modern awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), it seems to be biased, clearly avoiding the ill-effects of corporate branding of CSR, as the friendly new face of capitalism. This paper concentrates on the indirect impacts of CSR, such as increased prices on common consumer goods like organic foods, etc. In an attempt to answer a new question, â€Å"Is Corporate Social Responsibility a myth?† this paper also tries to evaluate what Poruthiyil (2013)Read MoreCorporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Capital6173 Words   |  25 PagesCorporate Social Responsibility and Emergent Models in Management of Stakeholder Capital in Philippine Conglomerates Serafin D. Talisayon Fifth International Research Workshop on Asian Business Singapore Management University, Singapore 13 April 2009 Abstract The paper adopts a social benefit-cost analysis framework to look at three stages in the historical development of management of stakeholder capital of corporations in the Philippines. The first two stages were government-driven. Stage OneRead MoreMaria Fe Perez1230 Words   |  5 Pages[pic] Maria Fe Perez-Agudo A product of an all-girls Catholic school in Manila, believes in the capability of women to climb the corporate ladder even in industries known to be men’s turf. Her own ascent to the top position at the fastest-growing car distributor in the Philippines changed the face of the once male-dominated automotive industry. â€Å"I believe in the power of the feminine genius,† the amiable Agudo says, as she encourages women to explore more avenues. â€Å"Unleash andRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility779 Words   |  4 PagesPolytechnic University of the Philippines Sta. Mesa, Manila College of Business Submitted by: Ramizares, Riza Marie M. BSBA HRDM 4-6N Submitted to: Professor Celso D. Torreon Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility * Organizational Culture is the behavior of humans who are part of an organization and the meanings that the people attach to their actions. Culture includes the organization values, visions, norms, working language, systems, symbols, beliefsRead MoreSan miguel corporation1293 Words   |  6 Pagesand various stockholders by harnessing corporate social responsibility among the various San Miguel businesses in pursuing mutually beneficial program that lead to self-reliance and sustainability. 2. Vission To be constantly aware of the aspiration of the people and of the nation, and to ensure that San Miguel continues to make a major contribution toward the achievements of these aspiration. To manufacture, distribute and sell throughout the Philippines food products, beverages, product andRead MoreEmerging Markets : The Main Driver For Global Economy947 Words   |  4 Pagesand corporate social responsibilities to interact with different stakeholders in emerging countries such as China, India and Malaysia. Financial Times defines non-market strategy as a way to pursue strategic goals through political and social leverages. Non-market strategy is a global and long-term focus that assists multinational companies such as Toyota to care about their reputation, values and social impact on local communities. Thus, non-market strategy goes together with corporate social responsibilitiesRead MoreThe BreadTalk Group Essay653 Words   |  3 PagesGroup, 2014). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an ability to evaluate and initiate things independently to be responsible for the organization’s effects on both social well-being and environment issues. It may involve short-term costs that mostly apply to the company’s effort to develop positive environmental and social changes. Companies that are involved in CSR have major funds reserved for environmental programs and they devote time, effort and financial support for social well-being thatRead MoreCsr: Food and Beverage Industry12058 Words   |  49 Pagesa company’s corporate social and financial performance: The Case of 1000 Top Earning Companies in the Philippines. In Partial Requirement For THSBSAP Submitted By: Alvarez, Mark Gerald Miranda, Kim Gerald Sia, Myles K32 Introduction 1.1 Research Problem How would the four components of corporate social responsibility- customer, employee, environment and social- affect the financial performance of the 1000 top earning companies in the Philippines? Which amongRead MoreEssay on Whose Turn Is It to Polish Apple1627 Words   |  7 Pagesfor quite some time, Apple operated in a double agent corporate environment that eventually turned catastrophic to the organization. The founders, Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak, relied on their guiding principles: â€Å"Do your own thing, defy the pessimists and ignore the Establishment.† Such custom gave birth to what would be Apple’s â€Å"insanely great† Mac, largely patronized and loved by users. When the shortcomings of the existing renegade corporate culture started to surface, Apple’s doomsday was inevitable

class room observation Essay Example For Students

class room observation Essay Josh Van Coppenolle EDU 301 Social Studies Methods Mary Iandoli Classroom Observation Date: 9-30-96 Kindergarten teacher: Mrs. Debolt First grade teacher: Mrs. Casteluzo Location: Penn Yan Elementary Carrie and I were going to observe a kindergarten classroom social studies class that combined their lesson with a first grade class. We were scheduled to arrive at 2 PM. When I arrived at 1:50 PM, Carrie was waiting outside the school and informed me that she had already gone in and was told that there was going to be a fire drill in just a few minutes. We waited for the fire drill to finish and then went into the class. The time was about 2:10 at this point, so the teachers were running a little behind. When we entered the room it was empty, we had obviously beat the students back from the fire drill. This gave us time to look around. The kindergarten room was brightly decorated with lots of posters and students art work. The kids were working on colors because there was a strip on top of the blackboard that had the colors and things we might see in that color. The students desks were arranged in two rows, pushed together and facing each other. There were about twelve seats in each group, so there were about 24 students in the class. Apparently, the class had just been returning from a trip to the school library when the fire drill went off, so when they came in they were still carrying their library books. The students were asked to take their seats and they did so quietly. Everyones eyes were on Carrie and me. Mrs. Debolt asked us to introduce ourselves, which we did. She told the class that we were learning to be teachers and that we wanted to sit in on their social studies class. Each student sat at a little desk with their name laminated on the top. The students had laminated cards with their names on them tied around their neck with a long piece of yarn. I think that these were their library cards. Mrs. Debolt asked me to collect these, which I did. The students were pretty quiet while this was going on and followed directions well. Mrs. Debolt told the class that we were going to have a joint lesson with Mrs. Castiluzos 1st grade class. She asked everyone to come up to the front of the room and sit quietly on their bottoms, hands in their laps. The two classrooms are connected by a door and soon Mrs. Castiluzo, her aide, and the 1st graders came in. It was a tight squeeze but everyone got a little spot on the floor. You could tell the kids who like their personal space because they were uncomfortable in the tight space and tried to wiggle and scoot. Mrs. Debolt introduced Carrie and me and then started her lesson. She started with a story about a green bear who lived in the forest. He would change the color of his house as the seasons changed. Before she read she assess for prior knowledge. After she finished the book she led the group by questioning them about houses and families and health. Then we talked about healthy bodies and how we make healthy bodies by eating correctly. The teacher would ask a question and then call on someone who raised their hand. When there was a fun task to do, the teacher would call on a student that was doing something right, like sitting up straight. I noticed that the same students were always raising their hands. The teacher should have tried to involve all of the students. After the discussion of green and healthy, Mrs. Castiluza read a poem, but the children had already been sitting for 15-20 minutes and were not interested in the long poem at all. Then, Mrs. .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85 , .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85 .postImageUrl , .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85 , .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85:hover , .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85:visited , .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85:active { border:0!important; } .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85:active , .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85 .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u72dd2991ba88bd697f1e63961dc73e85:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Pizza: Restaurant & Fast Food Industry Analysis Essay Castiluza brought out a bag of fresh vegetables that she grew in her garden. This got the kids interested again and we discussed how the greens of the vegetables were different. Then Carrie and I got 2 helpers and cut up lettuce, peppers, and cucumbers to make a salad. We all ate salad and talked about the different textures and crunchiness of the vegetables. The lesson was evaluated as the students ate their salad, the teachers informally walked around the room and spoke with the children, but not all of them. The kids finished, threw their paper plates away and .

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Introducing NOW - Live Semantic Showcase by Ontotext

Introducing NOW Live Semantic Showcase by Ontotext Jarred McGinnisWhat is NOWAfter years of helping some of the most recognizable names in news publishing, we have come to understand there is a need across the industry for more intelligent and dynamic publishing workflows. NOW by Ontotext is a showcase for a number of powerful semantic-driven technologies that helps publisher realize their vision of dynamic digital news publishing.More importantly, we understand news organizations that are more accustomed to the world of print face challenges in adapting to these new publishing approaches. Behind NOW  is the Ontotext Platform a suite of configurable front and back-end applications that can be configured for a broad spectrum of publishing needs. Why is NOW UsefulStudy after study has shown that for publishers, customers are increasingly digital-native consumers of content. This creates difficulties for publishers whose workflows have been built, for decades (if not centuries), around a print-first world. Our dynamic publishing platform uses semantics and metadata to more easily reach those digital native customers.Discover new and interesting news, aggregated from various sources with the Ontotext news service. Enjoy their enriched content with key annotations such as people, organizations, locations, relationships between them.What Can You Do With NOWImprove Authoring workflow by:Finding relevant assets as you typeShowing key and related entities, topics, categories and conceptsDelivering important go-and-get facts of key people, organizations and places a story mentionsCreating higher value content at the same costImprove Editorial Processes by:Enabling the (semi)-automated curation and enrichment of conceptsProviding comp lex query driven publishing templates to simplify search and discoveryDynamic re-purposing and reuseNew  publishing products with the same contentImprove Publication and Products by:Dynamic and intelligent metadata-driven productsAdaptive content streamsSemantics-driven trend analyticsBehavior-driven personal asset streamsTry NOW for yourself or learn more about Semantic Publishing!

Monday, March 16, 2020

How to Write a Great Descriptive Essay on Life in Kenya

How to Write a Great Descriptive Essay on Life in Kenya When writing a descriptive essay, you must first select the topic of your work. The topic could be any range of things such as a flower or a desk, your favorite place to read, or an inspirational person. What is most important here is that you must be personally familiar with the object of your writing. You cannot, for example, write a decent descriptive essay on a beach that you have never visited or about the perfect chocolate cake that you have never eaten. Once you have selected your topic, you must take some time to brainstorm what attributes you can recall, what attributes satisfy the five key senses. Your goal here is to precisely convey each sense so that the person is able to sense everything you do. If, for example, you are describing a non-native flower that bloomed in your garden overseas, you want to do more than state that the flower was beautiful or had a powerful fragrance. You want to explain the color of the leaves, petals, stem, and stamen. You want to describe the flavors found in the powerful fragrance. Was it a combination of earth, vanilla? Was it sweet or bitter? Was it something that accosted the senses or was a light after-thought lingering in the air? Was it a scent surrounding the immediate vicinity of the flower such that stepping into the world of the plant brought you into the smell itself, a smell which permeated your nostrils, hair, even your clothing, and stuck with you for days after? Do more than just explain the colors found in the flower. Tell your reader what each part of the flower felt like to touch. Were the leaves soft? Was the petal hard and firm? Explain the size, shape, patterns found in the plant, how it hung from the stem or whether it was an upright plant. These are all important items to cover. You want to leave no stone unturned here. Your reader should finish your paper as intimate with that native flower as you are. Diction and economy are imperative to your success in descriptive writing. Because it is descriptive by nature, you must be careful about your diction, or word choice. You have to include the most appropriate word, a task which can take hours or even days if you are really searching. While a handful of words might be sufficient, if there is one word that embodies what point you are trying to get across to the reader, you will be much better off relying on it instead. For example, describing someone as â€Å"loquacious† rather than saying â€Å"he enjoyed talking all the time† is a much better use of the English language, for in one word you can convey so much more than you did in the latter five words. For this type of writing, the organization is not as critical. You have a great deal of leeway with regard to the structure of your body because of the different topics you might select. You can choose whichever organizational method best suits the purpose. To ease your writing process weve also prepared interesting facts about life in Kenya and topics based on the book A Primates Memoir. Use them for your paper and youll see how simple it can be. If you need a professional essay writer online to get your descriptive essay written from scratch, follow our writing service!

Friday, February 28, 2020

Community Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Community Health - Essay Example There are some similarities between the two concepts of community and aggregate. Both are populations of people who are associated with each other and share some characteristics. However there are also differences between the two concepts. The largest difference is in the interaction between the two. An aggregate of people are a population who share a common interest, where those in a community do not necessarily share common interests, it is likely to be other factors which unite them. Both those in an aggregate and those in a community share common problems and often common goals. The difference between the two concepts is that those in an aggregate do not act together to realize these goals or solve their problems whereas those in a community do interact and work together in this pursuit (Undergraduate Curriculum Handbook, 2003). An example of an aggregate within the community is homeless clients (Clark, 2002). There are many homeless people across America and there are many subdivisions within the aggregate. The aggregate could be considered in terms of various subgroups such as homeless children, homeless women, homeless immigrants and so forth.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Increasing Involvement of the Clergy in Politics Essay

The Increasing Involvement of the Clergy in Politics - Essay Example In the American context, American Muslims seem to just take care of themselves and mind their own businesses. Bill uses facts and opinion polls to back his arguments. For instance, when he says that 11% of those polled agreed that they had been influenced to vote along political divides, this only depicts the selfishness, majorly on the part of the clergy (Agnew 56). One might want to ask: why do they involve themselves in politics in the first place? Truly the American Muslims have replaced the Koran with their own interpretations, which in my view, is a paradox indeed. McKibben reveals the dangerous misinterpretations of the Koran by most American Muslims. When I read Bill’s article, what first came to my mind was the infiltration of the â€Å"expensive mega-churches†, plus their founders. When one visits some of the churches, they may be shocked by the elegance and the exurban styles of the churches. The churches are built using millions, or billions of dollars. The founders seem to use the church as an avenue to enrich themselves, promising worshippers that the â€Å"the hands that give are the hand that receives†. The American worshippers have understood this and would give an arm and a leg to receive the â€Å"blessings†. Instead of helping the poor members of the church just as Mohammed commanded, the founders and top clergy live lavish lifestyles, adorning expensive suits and other wears. In some cases, they are reportedly involved in scandals such as those pertaining to sex and politics.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Advanced Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Advanced Accounting - Essay Example So that the combined totals for individual accounts may be increased or decreased so that only transactions with external parties are reflected in the consolidated amounts. Because they do not carry over from period to period (Peterson, 2012). Although most parent companies do possess 100 percent ownership of their subsidiaries, a significant number establish control with a lesser amount of stock. If the parent does not own 100% of the company (Peterson et al, 2012), WHO owns the rest of it? No controlling Shareholders. The ownership interests of the No controlling Shareholders must be reflected in the consolidated financial statements. The Parent, with controlling interest, must consolidate 100% of the Subsidiary’s financial information. The acquisition method requires that the subsidiary be valued at the acquisition-date fair value. Parker purchased 9,000 shares at $70 per share. The fair value of their consideration transferred is $630,000. The remaining 1,000 shares trade at $60 per share indicating that the fair value of the no controlling interest is $60,000. The total acquisition-date fair value of the sub is $690,000. The total acquisition-date fair value (amount paid) of Strong of $690,000 is greater than the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired of $600,000 (10,000 shares x $60 per share). The difference is allocated to Goodwill. The parent first allocates goodwill to its controlling interest for the excess of the fair value of the parent’s equity interest over its share of the fair value of the net identifiable assets. ($600,000 X 90% = 540, 000). Goodwill allocated to the controlling and no controlling interests will not always be proportional to the percentages owned(Ittelson, 2009). Errors or omissions on the books of the subsidiary. Corrections should be made directly on the subsidiary’s books as of the date of acquisition. Excess of fair value over book

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Personal Narrative about Smoking Marijuana Essay examples -- Drugs Nar

Sniffed Out "All right chief, puff, puff, pass!" This reminder of smoker’s etiquette attempts to rise from the back seat, but the bumping speakers drown it out. I am in the driver’s seat of my car, floating on a thick cloud of music and smoke. My eyes close, my lungs fill, my head nods and becomes lost inside a hip-hop haze of bass, high hats, and trumpets. Just before Big Boi introduces his â€Å"Spottieottiedopaliscious Angel† a hand cuts through the smoke and whacks me in the back of the head. Leaving the music, I turn around, take a huge toke, give the middle finger (all in good fun), and pass the joint to the backseat. For the next twenty minutes my friends and I sit in my car, parked, windows up, seats laid back, and fill every crack and crevice with the sweet smell of marijuana smoke. We aren’t drug dealers or dope fiends. We are just four high school seniors getting prepared for class. Even though this ritual had been a part of our mornings since sophomore year, it became easier to carry out when the school selected us for the aptly named Joint Enrollment program (some might say we took the name a little too literally). On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings we attended an English class at the local college before going to school. Our Tuesday and Thursday mornings were completely open. Even the days we had Joint Enrollment allowed us forty minutes of free-time before second period. The clock flashed 9:20 and three doors promptly opened. Smoke billowed from the car like a shelled out bomb crater. Everyone went to their cars and the caravan to second period commenced. Rubbing my eyes, I turned the ignition, falling into the back of the line. I came around the curve and pulled into the turning lane leading to sch... ...ho sang in the choir at my church, was standing at the top of the hill next to the principal, some teachers, and the superintendent. They all watched me with spite. The next day I woke up thinking that I was the same person I was the day before. I thought I was still the kid who was an honor student and multi-sport athlete. I thought I was the same person who had been active in church since he was a kid and was praised by the entire congregation. I thought I was the same person who always looked out for his family and visited his grandparents twice a week. I know that I never quit being this person, but as far as the rest of the community was concerned, he was put to death in the parking lot in front of the high school doors. They immediately forgot about the former me, and replaced him with a deceitful, drug dealing dope fiend. Hey, but at least I didn’t go to jail.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Enzyme Lab

Purpose and BackgroundThe purpose of this lab is to explain how enzymes act as catalysts for biological reactions in different temperatures. This lab relates to enzymes, proteins, and substrates; that we learned in class. The union of the enzyme and the substrate is called the enzyme-substrate complex. The make-up of an enzyme is proteins and made up of chains and amino acids.Enzymes are considered to be organic catalysts, they speed up chemical reactions that might otherwise take too long to occur and be of use in the body. They also allow reactions to occur in regions of the body that are unfavorable because of the level of pH or the lack of heat. HypothesisA reused and ground enzyme will have the greatest reactions compared to the other types of enzymes. Materials 1. Avocado 2.Petri Dish 3.Hydrogen Peroxide 4.Vinegar 5.Vinegar SubstrateProcedure1.Place a small piece of cooked avocado/avocado/soaked avocado in a Petri dish. 2.Place 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide/vinegar substrate on the avocado 3.Observe for enzyme activity by looking for bubbles4.Rate the amount of oxygen bubbles produced on a scale of 1-5 5.Record your data in the chartDataConclusionAfter placing 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide and vinegar substrate in the different forms of avocado, the results were interesting. The ground and reused enzyme had the most evident reactions. It also shows me that enzymes can be reused, because of the reaction rating. Enzymes can be affected by temperatures because the regular enzyme reaction is low. Also enzymes aren’t affected by pH because it had a low reaction. Enzymes are specific because different types of enzymes work for different substrates.DiscussionMy hypothesis was supported and proved in the lab. I predicted that the ground and reused enzyme would have the greatest reaction rating, and they did. Evidence that occurred in the lab would be the hydrogen peroxide and vinegar substrate dropped onto the different forms of enzymes. I don’t thi nk any improvements can be made, the lab was straight forward and proved what needed to be known

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

20 Simple Presentation Topics on the US History That Will Grab the Undivided Attention

History classes usually turn out to be a jumble of dates, years, and odd names of people that died several years ago. Irrespective of this, writing about history is inevitable. When it comes to choosing presentation topics on the history of the United States, a lot of students are often clueless. Even though some students find this quite easy to do, however, others find it simply boring and complicated. They become confused, with no idea of where to start from. For this reason, it is very important to choose a topic that is thought-provoking, and interesting to write about. Below are some simple presentation topics on the history of the USA that will grab undivided attention Native Americans: The Impact of the European Colonization on the Native Americans? The Primary Causes of the American Revolution: The Common Sense Role of Thomas Paine in Promoting the Movement for Independence? Pre-Civil War Conflicts Over Slavery: What Caused Them? What Were the Effects of the Nat Turner Rebellion? Native American Conflicts in the West: What Were the Causes and Effects of the Battle of the Little Bighorn? Child Labor in The Late 1800s and Early 1900s: How Did It Affect the Society? How Were Reforms Carried Out? The 1930s Dust Bowl: The Causes and Effects Manhattan Project: Why Was It Made a Matter of Secrecy? What Were the Methods Used? The Bombing of Hiroshima/Nagasaki During the World War II: Was It Actually Necessary? Evaluate the Presidency of JFK: Was It an Effective Presidentship or Simply a Nostalgy? World War II: What Was the Influence of the Propaganda and Its Use in the United States? Kent State Shootings: What Are the Contributing Factors? Sept. 11, 2001, Attacks: How Was American Security Policies Affected by the Attack? How Was U.S. Foreign Policy Impacted? How Did It Impact The Views of Americans about Islam? The Cold War: Why and How Did It Originate and What Were the Impacts on the Foreign Policy of the USA? Vietnam War: How Did the US Get Involved? The 1960s Civil Rights Movement: Evaluate the Tactics and Accomplishments   U-2 Incident: How Did This Affect US-Soviet Relations? Yellow Journalism: What Was the Role In Instigating the Spanish-American War? Germanys Antagonism to the Iraq War: How Did This Affect The Relationship Between the USA and Germany? The Wilsonian Impulse: The US Foreign Policies, the Alliance, and Unification of Germany The 1920S Anglo-American Relations: The Struggle for Supremacy The successful essay paper on the US history usually depends on the writer’s skills as well as the chosen topic. Always go for an interesting topic, and ensure that you do not bore your audience with dull issues. Above are some topic ideas to begin with.